Building Trust Takes Time

It takes consistency and passion to relate (and be relatable) to others.

COVID-19 has amplified the inequalities in our society and studies showed us that marginalised communities were most vulnerable to the impact of lockdowns and the economic downturn to follow. This inspired us to formalise COMMUN.

COMMUN is a combined arts organisation with a focus on community building for emerging and mid-career Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) artists. Through projects, events, and digital media, COMMUN creates opportunities for BIPOC artists to collaborate and create works to achieve a greater understanding for ‘othered’ people in our society.

If you’e an artist, freelancer, collective, initiative, charity or similar advocating for greater BIPOC participation in the Arts, then COMMUN is a space for you. Our website will bring you closer to BIPOC voices through personal stories and music. And, we’ll support your personal journey by providing you with a database to find grants as well as take courses to further your learning.

All of the above is made available through our simple subscription plans to match an individual or organisation’s needs. Through your support, we aim to address inequalities within the Arts and support BIPOC artists in the face of economic decline. We aspire to become a leading voice for change through collaboration and understanding - reframing the narrative on how to achieve diversity and inclusivity by encouraging participatory working methods, engaging in compassionate storytelling, and offering educational tools to enhance learning.

It will take time for us to earn your trust, we are not in a rush. In the meantime, we invite you to follow us on YouTube and Instagram to bring you closer to our work and connect you with our community.

Welcome to our Space!